Great Gorge Suck

Great Gorge Suck
by Alex Koutzoukis

12alexgorgeFor 16 days straight, the wind in the Gorge would not stop sucking from Portland to the Desert. I was forced to sail 3.5-4.5 about 90% of the time, in a permanent ebb current with 3-8 foot river swell that never breaks.

We also had some good whitewater runs on the White Salmon (Farmlands run and Husum Falls), West Fork Hood River, and the Clackamas. Chipped my tooth on a rock under Husum Falls (requiring root canal and crown), 2 seconds later Dan hit his thigh on the same rock putting him out of windsurfing for a few days (not missing much)….proceeding to complete a full triathlon in Napa.

On the last weekend, my girlfriend Stephanie came up to visit and after a morning of hiking up the Klickitat river Friday, the Dougs sensor was reading 30. We went to Dougs and I rigged my 3.5 and 85 Liter board. The swells were lining up better than I have seen in the Gorge plus this year I finally learned how to be in the right spot for jumping in the Gorge. She had a camera on hand and got a few shots of me!

Dan also has some cool footage of both of us sailing that hopefully we will see soon.

Will be at the Cabrillo Beach enduro Saturday, hope to see you guys there!

Alex Koutzoukis

Categorized in: Columbia River Gorge, Haulass Hotline